• The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesTest name
  • Sweet CloverEdgar Lee Masters
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Cheap shipping! Discreet packaging! We ship to all countries in the world!

New American band with former Bound For Glory members + Roy from Final War. Could have been a follow-up to Last act of defiance, fully-fledged heavy metal with fitting vocals. Ed's guitar work is brilliant again, a technically perfect album, with great production. Easily compares to some bigger names out there in the mainstream.

For fans of BFG and the the harder genre in general...

1. Panzer voran

2. The many rivers I crossed

3. Titan's march

4. Bloody road to Kharkov 

5. Peiper's last stand

6. Iron fist

7. Over the maginot

8. Blitzkrieg symphony

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West Wall - Blietzkrieg symphony #1

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