• The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesTest name
  • Sweet CloverEdgar Lee Masters
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Cheap shipping! Discreet packaging! We ship to all countries in the world!
Older album from the Berlin-based Wolfskraft ! Brutal and hard RAC-rock which almost goes into metal. All lyrics in their native language so it's mostly for the hardcore fans of german wp-rock!

1. Friss oder stirb

2. Am Abgrund

3. Höllischer Staat

4. Vaterland

5. Verräter

6. Wenn Freunde gehen

7. Feuer frei

8. Steh auf!

9. 2005

10. Wahrheit siegt

11. Wolfskraft

12. Feindliche Stürme

Release year:

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Wolfskraft - Wortgefecht

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