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  • Sweet CloverEdgar Lee Masters
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Cheap shipping! Discreet packaging! We ship to all countries in the world!

cd from the lads in Pitbullfarm (best release so far!?) Very well played and catchy music that definitely will keep the summer parties going. We are sure that both old and new fans will welcome this album with open arms!

01. Cunts And Muppets

02. Generation Nowhere

03. Do What You Want

04. Back With A Bang (Skrewdriver Cover)

05. Plainfield Ghoul

06. No Regrets

07. Hate KD Hate KD ! (The Business Cover)

08. Candyland

09. Working For The Enemy

10. Green Island Hoax

11. King Of Fools (Social Distortion Cover)


12. True Friends Always Stay



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Pitbullfarm - Dog's Bollocks

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