• The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesTest name
  • Sweet CloverEdgar Lee Masters
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Cheap shipping! Discreet packaging! We ship to all countries in the world!

Faustrecht is a really tight and professional german RAC-band hands down! The title Das recht zu hassen(The right to hate) point out the direction of the album. Its no love for our enemies and Faustrecht let it be known loud and clear!



1. Das Recht zu hassen
2. The only true solution
3. Where have all the boot boys gone
4. Birth of a nation
5. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt
6. The rich man´s law
7. Vereinte Kräfte
8. La lucha continua
9. You´re not the home of the brave
10. Zum Kämpfer auserkoren
11. Europe´s Battle Hymn
12. L.u.a.A.
13. Hateful songs





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Faustrecht - Das recht zu hassen

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