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Av Arthur Kemp. Hela historien om den vita rasen, innehållande 350 århundraden av kaosartade händelser.
Detta är en berättelse om de omfattande visionerna, imperierna, åstadkommanden,
triumferna, vårdslösa misstagen, förkrossande nederlagen och häpnadsväckande kamperna.

Det viktigaste som avslöjat i detta verk, är den enda sanna orsaken till alla högkulturers början och slut - nämligen homogenitet.

En högkultur kan överleva krig,
nederlag, naturkatastrofer mm. - men inte rasligt förfall.

Denna nya utgåva har blivit fullständigt uppdaterad tom 2011 och innehåller nya kapitel, DNA-studier och andra tillägg
vilka sprider ytterligare ljus över den vita rasens framsteg och öde.






Prologue: Some Important Facts


Chapter 1: The First White Racial Types


Chapter 2: The First Stirrings—the Late Paleolithic Age


Chapter 3: Vast Temples and First Cities—the Neolithic Age


Chapter 4: Laying the Foundations—the Old European Civilizations


Chapter 5: Born of the Black Sea—the Indo-European Invasions


Chapter 6: To the Ends of the Earth—Lost White Migrations


Chapter 7: Inexorably Overwhelmed—Whites in the Middle East


Chapter 8: Nordic Desert Empire—Ancient Egypt


Chapter 9: Genesis of Western Thought—Classical Greece


Chapter 10: Conqueror and Creator—Alexander the Great


Chapter 11: The Age of the Caesars—Pre-Christian Rome


Chapter 12: Power and Purpose—the Glory of Rome


Chapter 13: Opponents and Allies—Rome and the Celts


Chapter 14: The Useful Foe—Rome and the Germans


Chapter 15: Racial Cauldron—Rome and the Middle East


Chapter 16: By Stealth and Steel—Christianity


Chapter 17: The First Great Race War—Attila the Hun 372–454 AD


Chapter 18: The Triumph of the Slaves—the Fall of Rome


Chapter 19: Eastern Bulwark—Byzantine


Chapter 20: The Second Great Race War—the Crusades 1095–1270


Chapter 21: Lessons in Decline—Spain and Portugal


Chapter 22: The Third Great Race War—the Moors Invade Europe 711–1492


Chapter 23: The Nordic Reservoir—Scandinavia


Chapter 24: The Fury of the Men of the North—the Vikings


Chapter 25: Flamboyance and Ferment—France


Chapter 26: Destiny and Destruction—Napoleon Bonaparte


Chapter 27: The Isle of Influence—England, Scotland, and Wales


Chapter 28: Civil War and Emigration—Ireland


Chapter 29: Small yet Significant—the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg


Chapter 30: The Fourth Great Race War—Bulgars, Avars, Magyars, and Khazars 550–950


Chapter 31: The Fifth Great Race War—Genghis Khan and the Mongols 1220–1650


Chapter 32: Continual Conquest—the Baltic States


Chapter 33: The Test of Ethnicity—Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia


Chapter 34: The Sixth Great Race War—the Ottoman Holocaust 1300–1919


Chapter 35: Balkan Turmoil—Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece


Chapter 36: Risorgimento—the Resurrection of Italy after the Fall of Rome


Chapter 37: Gott Mit Uns—the Rise of Germany


Chapter 38: The Doomed Empire—Austria and Hungary


Chapter 39: The Rise and Fall of the Tsars—Russia 862–1917


Chapter 40: Christianity Dominant—the Dark Ages


Chapter 41: The Rebirth of Classical Culture—the Renaissance


Chapter 43: White Expansion—Voyages of Discovery


Chapter 44: The Yihequan—Race War in the Far East


Chapter 45: The Sun Never Sets—the British Empire


Chapter 46: The Well of Bibighar—the British in India


Chapter 47: Conquistadors—the White Conquest of Mexico and South America


Chapter 48: Revolution! The Birth of the United States of America


Chapter 49: The Seventh Great Race War—the Amerinds


Chapter 50: The Eighth Great Race War—Mexico


Chapter 51: Three Fifths of a Person—the History of Slaves


Chapter 52: White Men Cutting One Another’s Throats—the American Civil War


Chapter 53: The Politics of Race—America until 1945


Chapter 54: Immigration and Racial Change—the Story of Canada


Chapter 55: The White Man’s Burden—South Africa


Chapter 56: May It Be Worthy of the Name—the Story of Rhodesia


Chapter 57: The Iron Law of Demographics—the Story of Australia


Chapter 58: Murderer’s Bay—the Race War in New Zealand


Chapter 59: Shaping the World—the White Technological Revolution


Chapter 60: The First Great Brothers’ War—World War I


Chapter 61: The October Revolution—Communism in Russia


Chapter 62: The Suppressed Link—Jews and Communism


Chapter 63: The Second Great Brothers’ War—World War II


Chapter 64: The Shadow of the Ghetto—the Saga of the European Jews


Chapter 65: The Racial State—the Third Reich


Chapter 66: The End of White Supremacy—Decolonization and “Civil Rights”


Chapter 67: The Wall Falls—the Collapse of Communism


Chapter 68: The Changing Face—Nonwhite Immigration into the White Heartlands


Chapter 69: Ragnarök—the Coming Fall of the West


Postscript: The Final Call, or, What Can Be Done?






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Vikt: 1.85 kg





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